Croatian numbers often put nouns in specific case and number. Counted nouns are sometimes not in plural when the number is greater than one. "Both" is also a number, here marked with "1+1". The forms 1-12 are:
# cardinals (2) ordin. (2nd) collective "n men" part (1/2) digit 1 jedän adj. prvi — — — jedinica 2 dva m/n; dvijë f drugi dvoje dvojica pola, polovica dvojka 1+1 oba m/n; objë f — oboje obojica — — 3 tri treći troje trojica trećina trojka 4 četiri čevrti četvero četvorica četvrtina četvorka 5 pet peti petero petorica petina petica 6 šest šesti šestero šestorica šestina šestica 7 sedäm sedmi sedmero sedmorica sedmina sedmica 8 osäm osmi osmero osmorica osmina osmica 9 devet devet devetero devetorica devetina devetka 10 deset deseti desetero desetorica desetina desetka 11 jedanaest jedanaesti jedanaestero jedanaestorica jedanaestina jedanaestica 12 dvanaest dvanaesti dvanaestero dvanaestorica dvanaestina dvanaestica
Cardinal number jedän "one" behaves like an adjective.
Words for numbers 2-4 are sometimes declined but in everyday use most people keep their form in all cases. But if certain specially careful people want to use different forms for cases, the forms are:
case 2 1+1 3 4 m, n f m, n f m, n, f m, n, f nom. dva dvijë oba objë tri četiri acc. dat. dvama dvjëma objëma objëma trima (četirma) gen. dvaju dvïju obaju obïju triju (četiriju)
Words for numbers 5-20 behave like adverbs. Counted nouns are after cardinal numbers must be in the right form:
1, 21, 31... any case, agrees with jedän imam jednu mačku 2-4, 1+1, 22-24, 32-24... "dual", a special form for adjectives, similar to gen. sg. for nouns imam dvijë mačke 5-19, 25-30... adjectives and nouns must be in gen. pl. imam pet mačäka
Ordinal numbers behave as adjectives, and change with nouns after them according to cases.
[to be updated]