Grammar Summary: Verb Forms

Warning: lists below are quite incomplete. My goal is to at least include the 1700 most common verbs. Be patient.

Verbs are divided to verb types (or classes), according to the way they form the present tense and past participles. Most verbs are in the same type in present and past, but there are many mixed verbs.

Forms that are always predictable (1st and 2nd pers. pl. of present and imperative, other forms of past part.) are not listed.

Simple Verb Types

These are the simplest verbs. The majority of verbs falls into these classes.

verb type →nai
pres. 1st sg. bri-n-em im-a-m misl-i-m
pres. 2nd sg. bri-n-eš im-a-š misl-i-š
pres. 3rd sg. bri-n-e im-a misl-i
pres. 3rd pl. bri-n-u im-a-ju misl-e
imper. 2nd sg. bri-n-i im-a-j misl-i
past part. m bri-nu-o im-a-o misl-i-o
past part. f bri-nu-la im-a-la misl-i-la
infinitive bri-nu-ti im-a-ti misl-i-ti
passive adj. ga-nu-t im-a-n mišlj-e-n
gerund ga-nu-će im-a-nje mišlj-e-nje

Almost all n-verbs are perfective; exceptions are brinem, čeznem, ginem, tonem, trnem, trunem and venem. Most simple, unprefixed a-verbs are imperfective.


This is a big group of verbs usually with sound changes in present, due to j-softening (the present suffix is actually -'j-, hence the name); the result is that present forms contain Croatian-specific sounds where past and infinitive do not. It's best to learn both present and past (or infinitive) of such verbs.

pres. 1st sg. grij--em skač--em mič--em laž--em vež--em
pres. 2nd sg. grij--eš skač--eš mič--eš laž--eš vež--eš
pres. 3rd sg. grij--e skač--e mič--e laž--e vež--e
pres. 3rd pl. grij--u skač--u mič--u laž--u vež--u
imper. 2nd sg. grij skač-i mič-i laž-i vež-i
past part. m grij-a-o skak-a-o mic-a-o lag-a-o vez-a-o
past part. f grij-a-la skak-a-la mic-a-la lag-a-la vez-a-la
infinitive grij-a-ti skak-a-ti mic-a-ti lag-a-ti vez-a-ti
passive adj. grij-a-n skak-a-n mic-a-n lag-a-n vez-a-n
gerund grij-a-nje skak-a-nje mic-a-nje lag-a-nje vez-a-nje
pres. 1st sg. puš--em piš--em šeć--em dršć--em pljëšć--em
pres. 2nd sg. puš--eš piš--eš šeć--eš dršć--eš pljëšć--eš
pres. 3rd sg. puš--e piš--e šeć--e dršć--e pljëšć--e
pres. 3rd pl. puš--u piš--u šeć--u dršć--u pljëšć--u
imper. 2nd sg. puš-i piš-i šeć-i dršć-i pljëšć-i
past part. m puh-a-o pis-a-o šet-a-o drht-a-o pljësk-a-o
past part. f puh-a-la pis-a-la šet-a-la drht-a-la pljësk-a-la
infinitive puh-a-ti pis-a-ti šet-a-ti drht-a-ti pljësk-a-ti
passive adj. puh-a-n pis-a-n šet-a-n (drht-a-n) (pljësk-a-n)
gerund puh-a-nje pis-a-nje šet-a-nje drht-a-nje pljësk-a-nje

The common ones with sound changes are (I will expand this list):

brišem, brisao "wipe, clear"
dahćem/dašć-em, dahtao "pant"
dišem, disao "breathe"
dižem, dizao "raise"
dršćem, drhtao "shiver"
glođem, glodao "gnaw"
hrčem, hrkao "snore"
kapljem*, kapao "cough"
kažem, kazao "say, tell"
krećem, kretao "depart"
kišem, kihao "sneeze"
klešem, klesao "chisel, carve"
kličem, klicao "cheer, shout"
kližem, klizao "slide, skate"
läžem, lägao "lie"
ližem, lizao "lick"
mašem, mahao "wave"
mažem, mazao "spread (e.g. butter)"  
mičem, micao "move"
mirišem, mirisao "smell"
ničem, nicao "sprout"
njišem, njihao "sway, wobble"
pišem, pisao "write"
plačem, plakao "cry, shed tears"
plešem, plesao "dance"
pljëšćem, pljëskao "clap, applaud"
pomažem, pomagao "help"
pršćem*, prskao "splash"
pušem, puhao "blow"
pužem, puzao "crawl"
rëžem, rëzao "cut"
sišem, sisao "suck"
skačem, skakao "jump"
srećem, sretao "encounter"
srčem, srkao "sip"
stižem, stizao "arrive, make on time"
svićem, svitao "dawn"
šapćem*, šaptao "whisper"
šećem*, šetao "stroll"
tešem, tesao "hew, trim"
urličem, urlikao "scream"
važem, vagao "weigh"
vežem, vezao "tie, bind"
vičem, vikao "yell"
žvačem, žvakao "chew"

The verb dršćem, drhtao is sometimes found as an i/a-verb (drhtim, drhtao); verbs marked with an asterisk (*) sometime behave as plain a-verbs (e.g. šetam).

The common ones without sound changes are:

brijem, brijao "shave"
derem, derao "tear"
grijem, grijao "heat"
grizem, grizao "bite"
kašljem, kašljao "cough"    
lajem, lajao "bark"
orem, orao "till"
penjem, penjao "climb"
sïjem, sïjao "sow"
smïjem, smïjao "laugh"
stajem, stajao "stop, stand"
stenjem, stenjao "groan"
trajem, trajao "last"

Of course, all others derived by merely prefixing them, e.g. na-piš-em, na-pis-ao belong to this group as well. Verbs derived from stajem, stajao are very common, e.g. ostaj-em, ostaj-ao "remain", nestaj-em, nestaj-ao "disappear" etc.

There are also verbs derived from roots that are not used on its own; the derived verbs are always imperfective, and the common ones are:

-klinj-em, -klinj-ao:
    proklinj-em, proklinj-ao "curse"
    zaklinj-em, zaoklinj-ao "swear, take oath"
-mač-em, -mak-ao:
    namač-em, namak-ao "soak"
    umač-em, umak-ao "dip"
-mir-em, -mir-ao:
    umir-em, umir-ao "die, perish"
-rič-em, -ric-ao:
    izrič-em, izric-ao "utter, pronounce"
    narič-em, naric-ao "wail, lament"
-tež-em, -tez-ao:
    potež-em, potez-ao "pull"
    stež-em, stez-ao "tighten"
-tič-em, -tic-ao:
    istič-em, istic-ao "emphasize"
    potič-em, potic-ao "encourage"
-tjëč-em, -tjëc-ao:
    istjëč-em, istjëc-ao "flow out"
    potjëč-em, potjëc-ao "originate"
    stjëč-em, stjëc-ao "acquire"
    utjëč-em, utjëc-ao "influence"

Verbs derived by prefixing are derived from brojim (just an i-verb, eg. z-brojim) instead of brojim, brojao. Actually, Standard Croatian prefers brojim as a plain i-verb as well.


There's a group of verbs that have -i- in the present, but -a- in the past and infinitive. No sound changes happen. All such verbs contain palatal sounds (č, š, etc. or j). The common ones are:

bečim, bečao "cry (for babies)"    
bjëžim, bjëžao "run away"
blejim, blejao "bleat"
bojim, bojao "be afraid"
brojim, brojao "count"
brujim, brujao "hum"
cvrčim, cvrčao "chirr"
čučim, čučao "squat"
držim, držao "hold"
hučim, hučao "boom"
ležim, ležao "lay"
ječim, ječao "cry, shrill"
klečim, klečao "kneel"
pljuštim, pljuštao "rain heavily, shower"
režim, režao "growl"
trčim, trčao "run"
spim, spao "sleep"
stojim, stajao (!) "stand"
šuštim, šuštao "rustle, murmur"
vrištim, vrištao "scream"
zujim, zujao "buzz"
zviždim, zviždao "whistle"
zvečim, zvečao "twang"
zvučim, zvučao "sound"

Of course, verbs derived from them by just prefixing (e.g. za-drž-im) have same forms. Without any prefix, as listed above, all such verbs are imperfective.

Verbs spim, spao is seldom used without prefix (mainly zaspim, zaspao "fall asleep"), while stojim, stojao is maily used in present, and its prefixed forms include few important and often used verbs, e.g. postojim, postojao "exist".

In some regions more such verbs are found, e.g. mučim, mučao "be silent" and ćutim, ćutao "be silent" (in Serbian).


These verbs have -i- in the present, -ï- in the past part m, but -- in other past participles and the infinitive. No sound changes happen. These verbs mix with plain i-verbs, however the following common verbs are used always just as i/jë-verbs:

vidim, vidïo, vidjëla "see"
volim, volïo, voljëla "like, love"  
želim, želïo, željëla "want"
živim, živïo, živjëla "live"

The following verbs are seldom used as i-verbs, even colloquially:

bolim, bolïo, boljëla "hurt"
lebdim, lebdïo, lebdjëla "hover"  
letim, letïo, letjëla "fly"

For the following verbs, both forms used: i/jë-forms prevails in written contexts (newspapers, books), pure i-verbs are chiefly colloquial:

ćutim, ćutïo, ćutjëla "feel" (regional)
gorim, gorïo, gorjëla "burn"  
grmim, grmïo, grmjëla "thunder"  
smrdim, smrdïo, smrdjëla "stink"
štedim, štedïo, štedjëla "save (money), spare"  
šutim, šutïo, šutjëla "be quiet"
trpim, trpïo, trpjëla "suffer"
vrtim, vrtïo, vrtjëla "spin, turn"
visim, visïo, visjëla "hang"
vrvim, vrvïo, vrvjëla "swarm"
žudim, žudïo, žudjëla "yearn"

Finally, for the following verbs, i/jë-forms are seldom used even in serious newspapers, pure i-forms prevail:

gnjilim, gnjilïo, gnjiljëla "rot"
hlapim, hlapïo, hlapjëla "evaporate"  
starim, starïo, starjëla "age, grow old"  
strepim, strepïo, strepjëla "fear, quail"
šumim, šumïo, šumjëla "whirr, hum"
tamnim, tamnïo, tamnjëla "darken"

All the verbs above are imperfective. Verbs derived from them behave in the same way, but all are perfective.


Such verbs have -ijë- in their present, but behave like -- past verbs. The prototype verb is:

razum-ijë-m, razum-ï-o, razum--la, razum--ti "understand"

Common verbs in this group are also:

dospijëm, dospïo, dospjëla, dospjëti "end up, appear"
smijëm, smïo, smjëla, smjëti "be allowed to"
uspijëm, uspïo, uspjëla, uspjëti "succeed"


Such verbs have a -j- in the present and imperative, and -v- in the past and infinitive. Unfortunately, often a vowel before it changes:

pres. 1st sg. d-aj-em plj-uj-em kralj-uj-em pokaz-uj-em kup-uj-em
pres. 2nd sg. d-aj-eš plj-uj-eš kralj-uj-eš pokaz-uj-eš kup-uj-eš
pres. 3rd sg. d-aj-e plj-uj-e kralj-uj-e pokaz-uj-e kup-uj-e
pres. 3rd pl. d-aj-u plj-uj-u kralj-uj-u pokaz-uj-u kup-uj-u
imper. 2nd sg. d-aj plj-uj kralj-uj pokaz-uj kup-uj
past part. m d-ava-o plj-uva-o kralj-eva-o pokaz-iva-o kup-ova-o
past part. f d-ava-la plj-uva-la kralj-eva-la pokaz-iva-la kup-ova-la
infinitive d-ava-ti plj-uva-ti kralj-eva-ti pokaz-iva-ti kup-ova-ti
passive adj. d-ava-n plj-uva-n kralj-eva-n pokaz-iva-n kup-ova-n
gerund d-ava-nje plj-uva-nje kralj-eva-nje pokaz-iva-nje kup-ova-nje

They are only a handful j/av, j/ev and j/uv verbs commonly used. All such verbs are imperfective:

d-aj-em, d-av-ao "give"
car-uj-em, car-ev-ao "rule as an emperor"  
kralj-uj-em, kralj-ev-ao "rule as a king"
blj-uj-em, plj-uv-ao "vomit" (colloq.)
plj-uj-em, plj-uv-ao "spit"

Of course, verbs derived by prefixing those listed above have same forms. Often used are ones derived from dajem, davao, e.g. do-dajem, do-davao. Verbs derived from the root -znajem, -znavao also fall into this group (e.g. poznajem, poznavao etc.)

Common uje/iva verbs are just:

dar-uj-em, dar-iv-ao "give gift
sn-uj-em, sn-iv-ao "dream, imagine"

However, most j/iv verbs are derived from roots that are not used on its own; the derived verbs are always imperfective, and the common ones are:

-bac-uj-em, -bac-iv-ao:
    izbac-uj-em, izbac-iv-ao "throw out"
    odbac-uj-em, odbac-iv-ao "reject"
-cjënj-uj-em, -cjënj-iv-ao:
    ocjënj-uj-em, ocjënj-iv-ao "assess, judge"
    procjënj-uj-em, procjënj-iv-ao "estimate"
-ček-uj-em, -ček-iv-ao:
    doček-uj-em, doček-iv-ao "greet, welcome"
    oček-uj-em, oček-iv-ao "expect"
-dir-uj-em, -dir-iv-ao:
    dodir-uj-em, dodir-iv-ao "touch"
-kaz-uj-em, -kaz-iv-ao:
    dokaz-uj-em, dokaz-iv-ao "prove"
    pokaz-uj-em, pokaz-iv-ao "point, indicate"
-ključ-uj-em, -ključ-iv-ao:
    isključ-uj-em, isklju-iv-ao "exclude, turn off"
    uključ-uj-em, uključ-iv-ao "include, turn on"
    zaključ-uj-em, zaklju-iv-ao "conclude, infer"
-mjënj-uj-em, -mjënj-iv-ao:
    primjënj-uj-em, primjënj-iv-ao "implement"
    zamjënj-uj-em, zamjënj-iv-ao "swap, replace"
-pis-uj-em, -pis-iv-ao:
    opis-uj-em, opis-iv-ao "describe"
    prepis-uj-em, prepis-iv-ao "copy, rewrite"
-rađ-uj-em, -rađ-iv-ao:
    izrađ-uj-em, izrađ-iv-ao "produce, manufacture"
    surađ-uj-em, surađ-iv-ao "co-operate"
    zarađ-uj-em, zarađ-iv-ao "earn"


Verbs in this class have very often sound shifts and major changes in roots. They can be further divided to subclasses:

  • regular with vowel-root (e.g. pijem, pio)
  • regular with consonant-root (e.g. tresem, tresao)
  • st roots (e.g. rastem, rastao)
  • d/t roots (e.g. jëdem, jëo)
  • k/g roots (e.g. pečem, pekao)
  • p/b roots (e.g. grebem, grebao)
  • roots (e.g. umrëm, umro)
  • root change (e.g. zovem, zvao)
pres. 1st sg. pij--em tres--em rast--em d--em peč--em greb--em umr--ëm
pres. 2nd sg. pij--eš tres--eš rast--eš d--eš peč--eš greb--eš umr--ëš
pres. 3rd sg. pij--e tres--e rast--e d-e peč--e greb--e umr--ë
pres. 3rd pl. pij--u tres--u rast--u d--u pek--u greb--u umr--u
imper. 2nd sg. pij tres-i rast-i d-i pec-i greb-i umr-i
past part. m pi--o tres--äo rast-äo jë--o pek--äo greb-äo umr--o
past part. f pi--la tres--la ras-la jë--la pek--la greb--la umr--la
infinitive pi--ti tres--ti ras-ti s--ti pe--ći greps--ti umr-ijë-ti
passive adj. pij--en tres--en d--en peč--en greb--en
gerund pij--enje tres--enje d-enje peč-enje greb-enje

Verbs with vowel-root have a -j- in all forms except past part. and infinitive. All forms are completely regular, no sound shifts. Common ones are:

bij-em, bi-o "beat" (seldom used unprefixed)
čuj-em, ču-o "hear"
krij-em, kri-o "hide"
pij-em, pi-o "drink"
šij-em, ši-o "sew"
umij-em, umi-o "wash (face)" (perf.)

There are verbs derived from them by prefixing that have the same change, e.g. po-pij-em. The verb bijem is seldom used in Croatia, but derived verbs are very common: u-bijem "kill" (perf.), raz-bijem "shatter, break" (perf.), etc.

There are only few consonant-root and st-root verbs (but there are verbs derived by prefixing from these two):

tres-em, tres-äo, tres-la, tres-ti "shake, shiver"
rast-em, rast-äo, ras-la, ras-ti "grow"
griz-em, griz-äo, griz-la, gris-ti "bite"

Similar to grizem are verbs derived from -vezem, e.g. povezem, odvezem.

Verbs similar to pečem (k-root) have 3rd pers. pl. with -k- instead of -č-, past with -k-, and infinitive on -ći; imperative has a -c-. They can be listed as:

peč-em (pek-u), pek-äo, pek-la, pe-ći (pec-i !) "bake"

Similar verbs are:

obučem "wear, put on (clothes)" (perf.)
(rečem) "say" (present of this verb is seldom used)
sijëčem, sjëkäo "cut"
tečem "flow"
tučem "beat"
vučem "pull"

Of course, there are verbs derived from them by prefixing that have the same change, e.g. po-vučem. There are no g-root verbs that are commonly used nowadays.

A group of d/t-root verbs loose those consonants in past, and have an -s- in infinitive; the prototype verb is:

d-em, jë-o, jë-la, jë-sti "eat"

Similar verbs are:

bodem "stab, prod" (past part. m. bo or boo)
cvatem "blossom"
kradem "steal"
metem "sweep"
pletem "knit"

Of course, there are verbs derived from them by prefixing that have the same change, e.g. po-jëdem.

Verbs derived from -vedem also fall into this subgroup, e.g. povedem, prevedem, odvedem, dovedem, etc. Their infinitives coincide with verbs derived from -vezem; for instance:

odvedem, odveo, odvela, odvesti "take away" (perf.)
odvezem, odvezao, odvezla, odvesti "drive away" (perf.)

They have similar meanings and are sometimes even confused.

The next two verbs are -root verbs and are quite archaic today, but verbs derived by prefixing from them are not (e.g. umrëm "die", prostrëm "spread out"):

mr-ëm, mr-o, mr-la, mr-ijë-ti "die"
str-ëm, str-o, str-la, str-ijë-ti (str-ti) "spread"

The second verb has two possible infinitive forms.

These verbs are impf.; verbs derived from them by prefixing (e.g. u-mrëm) are perfective. To get impf. pairs of the prefixed verbs, use verbs ending on -ir-em, -ir-ao (e.g. umirem, umirao).

Verbs with root change can be divided to two subgroups (a, e). The roots change in various ways that must be learned by heart verb by verb. Past participle forms and infinitives are regularly derived from past part. m.:

per-em, pra-o, pra-la, pra-ti "wash"

Common verbs are (left: a-subgroup, right: e-subgroup):

berem, brao "pick"
koljem, klao "slaughter"
perem, prao "wash"
serem, srao "shit" (impolite!)    
šaljem, slao "send"
zovem, zvao "call"
kunem, kleo (!) "curse"
meljem, mljeo "mill"
nadmem, naduo (!) "bloat, swell" (perf.)
otmem, oteo "hijack" (perf.)
uzmem, uzeo "take" (perf.)
žanjem, žeo "rip, harvest"

Of course, there are verbs derived by prefixing from the verbs above, e.g. operem, oprao etc.

There are also verbs derived from roots that are no longer used on its own; the common ones are:

-čn-em, -če-o:
      počnem, počeo "start" (perf.)
      začnem, začeo "begat, conceive" (perf.)
-pn-em, -pe-o:
      napnem, napeo "tense, wind up" (perf.)
      popnem, popeo "climb" (perf.)
      raspnem, raspeo "crucify" (perf.)
      zapnem, zapeo "trip, stumble" (perf.)
-sp-em, -su-o:
      raspem, rasuo "dissipate, spill" (perf.)
      naspem, nasuo "cover, put over" (perf.)

n/0 Verbs

Certain verbs have present like n-verbs, and have 0-class past participles and infinitives. Some verbs can have two forms of past/infinitive: 0-like and n-like. Since they have a -n- in present, there are no sound shifts there. All such verbs are perfective.

Verbs with (usually) only one form of past and infinitive:

leg-n-em, leg-äo, leg-la, le-ći "lie (down)" (perf.)
pomog-n-em, pomog-ao, pomog-la, pomo-ći "help" (perf.)
stig-n-em, stig-äo, stig-la, sti-ći "arrive (on time)" (perf.)

sjëd-n-em, sjë-o, sjë-la, sjës-ti "sit" (perf.)
sret-n-em, sre-o, sre-la, sres-ti "meet, encounter" (perf.)

sta-n-em, sta-o, sta-la, sta-ti "stand" (perf.)

The root is "bare" in past/infinitive and all complications from e/0-verbs apply. Verbs derived from stanem, stao are very common, e.g. postanem, postao "become".

The following verbs have two possible forms of past and infinitive: 0-type and n-type. Since n-type forms are trivial (i.e. tak-nu-o, etc.) I will list only 0-type forms:

dig-n-em, dig-äo, dig-la, di-ći "raise" (perf.)
nik-n-em, nik-äo, nik-la, ni-ći "sprout" (perf.)
puk-n-em, puk-äo, puk-la, pu-ći "rip, burst, break apart" (perf.)
tak-n-em, tak-äo, tak-la, ta-ći "touch" (perf.)

Occasionally, one can hear n-type past or infinitive even for verbs like legnem: legnuo or stignem : stignuo.

Of course, this all applies also to verbs derived by prefixing from the above verbs, e.g. po-tak-n-em.

Irregular Verbs

There are few irregular verbs:

pres. 1st sg. (je)säm (ho)ću (!) mogu (!)
pres. 2nd sg. (je)si (ho)ćeš možeš
pres. 3rd sg. je(st) (ho)će može
pres. 1st pl. (je)smo (ho)ćemo možemo
pres. 2nd pl. (je)ste (ho)ćete možete
pres. 3rd pl. (je)su (ho)će (!) mogu (!)
imper. 2nd sg.
past part. m bio htio mogao
past part. f bila htjëla mogla
infinitive biti htjëti moći
passive adj.
gerund htjënje

Additionally, there's the verb idem and a group of verbs derived from it, e.g. dođem; odem shows special forms, others are similar to dođem:

idem, išäo, išla, ići (idi!) "go"
dođem, došäo, došla, doći (dođi!) "come" (perf.)
odem, otišäo, otišla, otići (odi!) "leave" (perf.)

The verb budem has only present (budem) and imperative forms (budi) but both are completely regular.

Verbs derived from root -nesem, -nïo, -nijëla are also irregular in respect to root in present and past/infinitive. They are all perfective. They are often used, common ones are:

donesem, donïo, donijëla "bring" (perf.)
iznesem, iznïo, iznijëla "bring out" (perf.)
odnesem, odnïo, odnijëla "carry away" (perf.)
podnesem, podnïo, podnijëla "withstand, suffer" (perf.)
prënesem, prënïo, prënijëla "carry over, transport" (perf.)
unesem, unïo, unijëla "bring in" (perf.)

Updated 2014-05-15 (v. 0.4)